Tuesday, June 24, 2008


http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080624/NEWS01/806240338&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL thoughts, feelings, concerns. I would like to know exactly what these "new" programs are. I know from student teaching at one of the school mentioned they adopted a co-teaching method in many classes, having an ELA teacher push into social studies and math questions. Also, in the middle school they introduced a reading course.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Compare these two passages from the artcile:
"At School 19, 89 percent of students passed the math exam and 69 percent passed the ELA exam. The school has a 93 percent poverty rate, and principal Anne Brown Scott said the children sometimes need more than academic support."

"The Monroe County school with the highest passing rate for the sixth-grade math exam also has one of the highest ratios of students in poverty.
At True North Preparatory School, a charter school in Rochester, 98 percent of sixth-graders passed the math test. Close to 80 percent of True North's students are eligible for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program."

Is it me or does this seem to imply that the charter school is more successful? Doing more with less?